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Definitions include:

  1. The technique of studying physical characteristics of a person such as finger prints, hand geometry, eye structure or voice pattern.[1]
  2. The science of using biological properties to identify individuals; for example, fingerprints, retina scan and voice recognition.[2]
  3. or what the person is, does, or looks like.[3]
  4. The measurement of a living trait used to control access. Refers to the interpretation of personal traits for access control purposes in place of password or ID verification systems.[4]
  5. Biometric methods of identification work by measuring unique human characteristics as a way to confirm identity, for example, finger or iris scanning or dynamic signature verification.[5]
  6. Use of measurable physiological characteristics to authenticate a user such as fingerprints or facial characteristics.[6]
  7. A method of verifying an individual's identity based on measurement of the individual's physical feature(s) or repeatable actions where those features and/or actions are both unique to that individual and measurable.[7]
  8. Measurement or observation of a feature or action of an animal such as iris or retinal patterns or DNA for the purposes of uniquely identifying the animal.[8]
  9. The statistical study of biological events.[9]
  10. Identification of people by measuring some aspect of individual anatomy or physiology (such as hand geometry or fingerprint), some deeply ingrained skill, or other behavioural characteristic (such as handwritten signature), or something that is a combination of the two (such as voice).[10]
  11. The biological identification of a person, including iris and retinal patterns, hand geometry, fingerprints, voice responses to challenges, and the dynamics of hand-written signatures. Biometrics are a more secure form of authentication than typing passwords or even using smart cards, which can be stolen; however, some forms have relatively high failure rates.[11]
  12. The method of verifying a person's identify by analyzing a unique physical attribute of the individual (eg, fingerprint, retinal scanning).[12]
  13. Biometrics utilize "something you are" to authenticate identification. This might include fingerprints, retina pattern, iris, hand geometry, vein patterns, voice password, or signature dynamics. Biometrics can be used with a smart card to authenticate the user. The user's biometric information is stored on a smart card, the card is placed in a reader, and a biometric scanner reads the information to match it against that on the card.[13]
  14. Electronic capture and analysis of biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial structure, or patterns in the eye. Through advancements in smart cards and cheaper reader prices, biometrics is catching on as an alternative to password security.[14]
  15. Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and statistically analyzing biological data.[15]
  16. A branch of biology that studies biological phenomena and observations by means of statistical analysis.[16]

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