What's new, new media?

added content reguarding Griefers Bobagra 00:17, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

I have recently become involved in Second Life (Native Destiny) and have come to discover its greatness (and weaknesses) and have realized its potential in the distant future. I for one believe that SL is the next generational step towards "the Matrix" as we know it from the movie picture. Think about it- virtual reality becomes more advanced and more people become interested in it. In SL, there is an unlimited amount of space as long as new servers are created and people buy this server space. Sooner or later, people will be totally devoted to their SL and all its glory (upgrades, networking, and entertainment). The users who know how to script practically run the show. They can come up with any weapons or SL features as they'd like. Virtual reality will be the norm and then who knows next.
